Durch zahlreiche Mails mit Betreffzeilen wie „Unpaid Invoice from Staples Inc., Ref. 71457173, Urgent Notice“ wurde ich jetzt mehrfach darauf hingewiesen, das ich angeblich unbezahlte Rechnungen hätte. Dies ist natürlich nicht der FAll und im Anhang befindet sich Malware die Betrüger so auf unsere PCs bekommen wollen.
Wer solche Mails bekommt sollte den Anhang also NICHT öffnen.
Dear Valued Customer,
This letter is a formal notice to you taking in consideration the fact that you are obligated to repay our company the sum of $890,69 which was advanced to you from our company on November 21st, 2015.
You now have two options: forward your payment to our office by January 17, 2016 or become a party in a legal action. Please be advised that a judgment against you will also damage your credit record.
Please acknowledge the receipt of the invoice attached and the e-mail, no later than December 31, 2015.
Cedric Cohen
Customer Service Department
Realty Solutions
182 Shobe Lane
Denver, CO 80216
Anhang: invoice_71457173_copy.doc