SPAM: Your FNBO Direct application has been received

Bei E-Mail Nachrichten mit dem Betreff: „Your FNBO Direct application has been received“ handelt e s sich um Spammails. Im Anhang befindet sich warscheinlich eine Schadsoftware und ich kann jedem nur empfehlen KEINE Links anzuklicken und auch NICHT die zip-Datei im Anhang zu öffnen. Versendet werden diese Mails von immer unterschiedlichen E-Mail Adressen. Die entsprechenden Accounts sind warscheinlich gehackt.

So sehen die Mails aus:

Re: Applicant #7889159007


Your application for an FNBO Direct account has been received. As an FNBO Direct customer, not only will you receive an exceptional interest rate,
you can be confident your accounts are held by a bank established in values of trust, integrity, and security.

Please find in the attached document information concerning your application.

Copyright (c) 2014 FNBO Direct, a division of First National Bank of Omaha. All Rights Reserved. Deposit Accounts are offered by First National Bank of Omaha,
Member FDIC. Deposits are insured to the maximum permitted by law.
P.O. Box 3707, Omaha, NE 68103-0707

For information on FNBO Direct’s privacy policy, please visit

Email ID: A9439.3


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