Den ganzen Tag bekomme ich Mails mit dem Betreff: LoseWeight Fast: 6 Days To Slim und immer werden diese von unterschiedlichen Mailadressen versendet. Die Links führen zu einer russischen Webseite und ich habe mich noch nicht getraut diese anzuklicken.
So sehen die Mails aus:
What would you give for a medical product that helps you get rid of your weight problems quickly and effortlessly?
Welcome a new formula that is equally powerful in both patients with a few unwanted pounds and guys whose battle of theBulge is considered to be lost long ago.
Food urge is the master of all overweight patients. They cannot control their wish to eat the way drug addicts are ready to commit any crime for getting another ruinous shot. Modern medicine had nothing to offer obeseGuys for decades.
But now we have a perfect solution – the formula that helps anyone lose_up_to a_pound a day during regular intake.