Mike Statler will quintuple your investment

Keine Ahnung was die nachfolgende E-Mail bedeutet aber sowas bekomme ich die ganze Zeit von verschiedenen Absendern:

Dear Ralf,

If you’re tired of playing the market for mediocre gains then you should read on. I’m Mike Statler. Some of you may know me from my last good stock tip (WPWR) which more than tripled within a short period of time (feel free to check it out). Now I have a brand new tip and I will think you will be pleased. This one should go up more than 6 times from current levels.
If you are interested in making a quick gain overnight, this is not for you, but if you’re serious about buying my new tip PRFC and you are willing to hold a few weeks and see magic happen then you’re definitely at the right place.
If you remember correctly I told you a few days ago about PRFC. I advised you to add it to your watch list but at the time I could not recommend that you buy it as I had not completed my due diligence.
I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that it is already up about 60% since I told you to add it to your watch list but the good news is that I think it still has a lot of room to go up and I expect to see PRFC trading at over 2 dollars before the end of the month or by the end of the 1st week of march at the absolute latest.
The company makes indispensable software that powers the backend of mobile gambling platforms. You can buy lottery on your smartphone, spin the roulette, enjoy blackjack or even play a game of poker. All this from your iphone or android phone. This is absolutely revolutionary and as we get closer to complete legalization of online gambling in America this little gem that is PRFC could soar dramatically.
PRFC (or Epcylon Technologies if you prefer) is going to work wonders for my subscribers‘ portfolios. I even bought $15,000 of it myself today. THAT’S how confident I am in it. I’m putting my money where my mouth is and I am telling you to BUY PRFC too if you believe in me, and if you don’t it’s too bad. You will be sending me an email two weeks from now saying how you regret not buying when I told you to do so.

Happy Trading,
I’m Mike Statler.

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