Unnötige Email bezüglich irgendwelcher angeblichen Geldsummen die so unrealistisch sind. Leute fallt nicht auf sowas rein diese Mails bekomme ich täglich von immer anderen Leuten die einem das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen wollen. Die fehlende persönliche Anrede zeigt wie bei vielen anderen Emails die unseriösität des Absenders.

So sehen die Nachrichten beispielsweise aus:

Dear Sir,

We are not sure you received our previous message but we wish to us this medium to officially inform you that following the ongoing review of all unclaimed and delayed funds by the United Nations and the World Bank, your payment file was forwarded to our office for immediate payment of your long delayed funds starting with a first transfer of US$3,200,000.00 with reference No. WBC/LU-14GN, to your bank account.

However, we are surprised to receive another application this morning from your representative, MR.ROBERT BERNHARDT,stating that you authorized him to transfer the funds to another bank account in Switzerland and that you were recently involved in an auto accident and cannot walk right now.

Could you please confirm immediately, your relationship with MR.ROBERT BERNHARDT and also, confirm if the bank account in Switzerland as shown below is now your new bank account information to receive your funds this week from our paying bank


ACCOUNT NO:5018 1448 1308

IBAN: CH19 0483 5018 1448 1308 1


Kindly reply today by email with your telephone number to confirm this information to avoid wrong transfer of your funds, so that we can proceed with the transfer of the US$3,200,000.00 to your correct bank account as scheduled.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs.Katherine Taylor

Director,Anti-Fraud Unit.

Financial Services Regulation Committee

Plot 33,ATB Way Cadastral Zone,Abuja,NG

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