Heute kam bei mir eine Mail an mit dem Betreff: „Award 2015“ und diese von einem Unternehmen das sich angeblich „Google Corperations“ aus London nennt. Kann leider nicht so gut englisch aber ich kann mir vorstellen, dass man davon die finger lassen sollte. Vorallem weil Absender und Antwort-Mailadresse unterschiedlich sind.
Google Corperations
Belgrave House 76
Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9TQ
United Kingdom.
Ref No: GFSP/ 7748/782/2014
Batch: GFSP/ 955/GPWIN/UK
we congratulate you over your success in the following official publication of results of the E-mail Electronic Online Sweepstakes Organized by Google, in conjunction with the foundation for the Promotion of Software Products, (F.P.S.) held on May 2015 here in London UK.
We wish to congratulate you once again, for being among the Twelve (12) selected winners in the ongoing E-mail Electronic Online Sweepstakes. Hence we do believe with your prize, you will continue to be active in your patronage to Google and its Products. A Bank Draft of £1,950,000.00 GBP {One Million Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds} will be issued in your name by our Foreign Payment Bureau and also a certificate of prize claim will be sent alongside your Bank Draft.
You are advised to contact our Foreign Payment Bureau with the following details below for the Processing of your Claims:
Valid Mobile No
Sir Brain Hopkins
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Zurich Finance House
Email: [email protected]
NOTE!!! For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you. (c)2015