Eine Mail bekommen da ich angeblich durch mein Facebook Profil ne Menge Geld gewonnen hätte. Das ganze ist aber ein Betrugsversuch und ich kann jedem nur empfehlen nicht darauf reinzufallen.
Hier die Mail die NICHT von Facebook stammt und bei der man NICHTS gewonnen hat:
Thank you for your using „facebook.com“
We are oblige to congratulate and notify you that your Face-Book Profile
was used by you or someone else to register an Account with Facebook and has
emerged you as one of the Luck Winners in Category „A“ which subsequently
won you $500,000.00 US Dollars. Your fund has been insured and its ready for
the immediate release to you without hitches. Details of your Winning are:
Winning #: FB392-US7720
Batach #: 0024892JT
Serial #: DT119027834SZ
Do be informed this is not a fake notification – Its real!! Kindly contact
the claims Department for more information on [email protected]
Call for confirmation now: +44 750 953 0182
Congratulations in advance!
Yours Faithfully,
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
CEO/President of Facebook
Facebook Inc ©2015