Euro Million Lottery – SPAM

Angeblich habe ich wohl einen haufen Geld gewonnen wenn man dem Betreff: „You Have Won“ Glauben schenkt. Es sind aber nur nervige Mails die von einer Adresse gesendet werden und wo man auf eine andere Antworten soll. Was genau dahinter steckt weiß ich nicht aber ich kann jedem nur empfehlen die Finger davon zu lassen. Sicherlich nichts seriöses!


Euro Million Lottery
Calle Aranquez 2a
28999 Alconcon
Madrid Spain.


This is to notify you that your email address drew the category A winning
in the ongoing euro million lottery held on the 4th November,2015 ,you
have been approved for the Sum of Euros 950,000 (Nine Hundred And Fifthy
Thousand Euro.)
Please contact the processing agent with your winning numbers: Ref Num:
GF810/3740K ,Ticket Num: tk31-43650
Furnish us with your personal details below as well as your winning number.

1. Full Name:
2. Direct phone:
3. Date of Birth / Age:
4. Occupation:
5. Current Address (P.o Box not acceptable)
By contacting:

Contact Name: Mr,Micheal Anderson
Email:[email protected]
This email lottery is sponsored by Euro Millones SA-Spain and is
registered and protected by the Benelux trademark law.

Please note that the validity period of these winning is 14 days; hence
you are expected to make your claims immediately. Any claim not made
before this date will be transfer to the suspense vault of the Spanish
Gaming Board.

Sincerely yours,
Mrs,Ann Brown
Online Coordinator. Euro million Lottery .

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