Heute bezüglich meines Clickbank Accounts eine Email bekommen. Diese wurde von meinem Email Provider als Betrugsversuch (Phishing) gekennzeichnet. Die angegebenen Links in der Email führen auch nicht zu der angezeigten Seite sondern einer anderen. Ich empfehle jedem die LINKs darin NICHT anzuklicken. Liege ich mit meiner Vermutung richtig???

Hier die vermutliche Betrugsemail:

Hi there,

2 things you need to know right off the bat.

1. This email is (as we speak) going out to over 300,000 of ClickBank’s most successful Vendors & Affiliates.

2. There are only 337 tickets left, and at 75% commission these are probably going to go faster than it takes the autoresponders to “complete send.”

(So, in other words you need to read this email FAST.)

Here’s the deal:

1) We’ve updated our event website, clickbankexchange.com with more details about the single most important marketing event of the year for people interested in making money online with ClickBank – and the first thing you need to do (to protect your own ticket) is to register for the event.


THEN, what you want to do (if you’re interested in earning over $200 commission PER TICKET) is this…

2) If you have an email list of Entrepreneurs then you’re very lucky because you’re going to earn a sizzling 75% commissions when you promote the event! Here’s how:

3) There’s a swipe email below, with your HopLink already embedded – so you can just copy and paste to promote to your list.

Check out our event site for all the details –


FYI, we expect the event to sell out in a matter of days, and we suggest you squeeze in an extra broadcast or two to your list right away to avoid missing out on this opportunity to earn serious commissions.

Here are the steps to follow again, in order, to make out like a bandit on this in the next 2 days:

Step 1: Register for the event yourself here: www.clickbankexchange.com

Step 2: Invite your list(s) to come and meet you at the event using the swipe copy at the bottom of this email.


-The ClickBank Team

P.S. We’ve listened to your feedback and announced a BRAND NEW SPEAKER LINEUP for CBX 2014. We’ve secured the best marketers in the industry for one amazing day of mind-blowing information and networking you won’t find anywhere else.

P.P.S. Here’s that swipe copy I told you about, for you to send out to your own responsive lists (*at a 75% commission remember) today:

—————–Swipe Copy ——————

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