Heute nachfolgende Email bekommen aber kann damit nix anfangen. Hat die noch jemand bekommen?

Name: Nicolasrect
Message: Hello,

It was great to speak with you today, I\’m excited to know you are making updates to your sites. To assist in helping you create your webpage, we\’d like to show you our customizable animated Facebook button. This will help your Facebook fan page increase Likes and your business instantly earns credibility.

Please click on the link https://businesswebmonkey.com/customsocial.php to view a sample of what we can do!

The best way to get in touch with us is through email ([email protected]). We are still the #1 seller of Facebook likes, Twitter followers, and Youtube views. Not only are our prices the lowest, but also the most reliable!

If you have any issues or concerns about our service, please send them to [email protected]


Nicole T
Sally Social Network

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