Keine Ahnung was die Mail zu bedeuten hat, aber es werden zwei Mailadressen verwendet. Die eine von der die Nachricht gesendet wurde und die andere auf die ich antworten soll. Sehr komisch!
Absender: [email protected]
Antwort an: [email protected]
Betreff: I need your urgent assistance.
Inhalt der Mail:
Hello Dear,
It is my wish to solicit your assistance in a claim of $4,500,000.00 USD, this is genuine claim that will be of great benefit for both of us, and i cannot achieve it without the support of a foreigner, therefore, i need your cooperation to claim this fund from my security company after which you will be entitle to 40% of the fund while 60% will be mine. Please get back to me if you are interested Contact me for more details on my private email address which is ([email protected])
Kind regards,
Mr. Annamikk Yacubu