Spammail für den Kauf von illegalen Facebook Likes. Kann jedem nur empfehlen die Finger von solchen Angeboten zu lassen da Facebook sowas rausbekommt.

Hier die Nachricht:

Name: jimmy wilson
Message: Hello,

I was going to call you and then I thought I would save you

the time of a bad timing phone call, sorry if I wasted your


I work without taking any payment from you and offer you to

try my work for 14 days.

You only keep my work if you like it. No commitments and I

will build all of your social media Likes and followers. I

just 1 week you can have 100,000 Facebook Followers and

everyone that visits your website will know you are LIKED


LOOK at this- No Cost Trial where you get all your social

media profiles adding friends all day long.

If your website does not have many Facebook Likes, why would

someone visit your Facebook Fanpage?

People Like you when other people like you. The more poeple

that FB LIKE your website and fanpage, the credibility you

will have with new visitors. It works the same for Twitter,

when people visit your website and see you have alot of

Twitter Followers, they now want to fFollow you too. They

too now what to know what all the Hype is and why tall those

peopel are following you

If you would like to check out the Trial we can build for

you in just a few days thousands or Millions of FB LIkes,

Twitter Folllowers, Youtube views, Pinterest, etc

Jimmy Wilson
1472 Murpy Ave, Ste 213
San Jose, CA 95121

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