Dear Customer,

The World Company Register Online is a product of International Directories Group LTD., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of BVI.

This business site enables you to find companies online specified by branch, city, country and language within the countries all over the world.

In order to have your company inserted in the registry of World Businesses
for 2015/2016 edition, please print, complete and submit the attached
PDF form to the following address:

World Company Register
P.O. BOX 3079
3502 GB, Utrecht
The Netherlands
email: [email protected]
fax: +31 20 524-8107

Updating is FREE of charge!

If you are not the intended recipient, please submit an email to: [email protected]

Your request shall be dealt with accordingly.

Yours faithfully,

John Barnes
CEO World Company Register

World Company Register
P.O. BOX 3079
3502 GB, Utrecht
The Netherlands

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